Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Another week and a Storm..

Week 2: Rounding on the Jet lag

- Went to Dublin as a tour guide for a student here from Canada...the student has now become the teacher, yes, I am that good! :)
- Geoff and Wanda on an adventure to find a shower head for my bathroom to help make it a little more is a work in progress, let's just say showers don't happen every day ;)
--> Teen Challenge is a program set up for men struggling with all sorts of addictive behaviors. The staff help minister to the men in the program and help re-introduce them to society and walk with them each step of the way. TC is for people who just need a hand up and fall into the loving arms of the staff at TC. The program is a 16 month program, I am honored to know the men of TC.
- Inner city outreach in Dublin town
- Walking around at night to give tea/coffee and sandwiches for the homeless
- A group of men who are involved with Teen Challenge help walk around and minister to the homeless of Dublin
- Hung out with some local youth in Greystones
- Planning different church activities for County Wicklow

1 comment:

lis said...

I'm impressed. I didn't know Teen Challenge went international. I had a friend who got back on his feet through TC.