Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A stormy sea...

Oh, where to begin...Ireland has proved to be a fantastic place and there have been many adventures in just a few short weeks as well. I can't believe I have already been here for 3 weeks! CRAZY! God is so funny in how He begins working out all the plans and things He desires to happen, even before we realize something is going on...well that is what has been happening to me here!

Week 1:
- Jet lag (pretty sure I didn't even know what day it was for like 10 days)
- Kids Club at the Naz--> amazing turn out of children from the local community
- Tour of Dublin town with our mentors from the North
- Dick and Karen Porter, Robert Birnie, and Dr. Graham Greenlee
- Wonderful host parents: Suzie and Jer Evans, daughter: beautiful Daisy :)
- Dundrum shopping experience (largest mall in Ireland)
- Tea, Tea, Tea, Tea, Tea, Tea, Tea, Tea, Tea, Tea, Tea, Tea, Tea, Tea, Tea, Tea, Tea, Tea, Tea, Tea, Tea, Tea, Tea, Tea, Tea, Tea, Tea, Tea, Tea, Tea, Tea, Tea, Tea, Tea, Tea, Tea, Tea, Tea, Tea, Tea, Tea, Tea, Tea, Tea, Tea, Tea, Tea, Tea, Tea, joke, the Irish love their tea
- Movie nights with our host parents
- Immigration encounter: this was possibly terrifying but I laughed most of the time :) The gentleman kept asking an insane amount of questions and we had no way of answering them cause we had hardly any information from the mentors/churches here of what we are supposed to do...
- Geoff and Wanda Murray: amazing couple who has taken us under their wing as children or just simply friends
- Powers Court: place where the palace in Count
of Monte Cristo was was GORGEOUS! :)
-Moved into Carraig Eden...home sweet home for the next 12 months

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