Thursday, January 27, 2011

A life...well lived.

cannot enter a situation and leave unchanged. Oh, how this year shall leave me forever changed. Lord, I know you know best, now please fill me in.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Random text messages...

God is completely awesome! At times, I begin to doubt my purpose or my reason for being here in Ireland. Why did God bring me here? Why did I accept to go here? Was this of my own volition or does God have specific plans for me being here? And, if so God would show me the way.
I begin doubting the direction of my life and the reasons for me always pursuing international ministry opportunities, half of the time I wonder if I even know what I am doing. God, would you please show me the way?

Then I step back and realize that God answers prayer through still small voices and quiet text messages from people you have not heard from in a while. This morning I was praying about a friend down in Gorey, who I have not talked to in a while and I didn't know if I should text her or not. So, I left and went to meet a friend for coffee. After I got home, I was sitting working on things for 365M and my phone went off. Leaving it sit for a while, I kinda forgot about my phone. Then I remembered I had received a message, upon looking at the message, I was ecstatic to see the message was from my friend in Gorey. Honestly, I had to just smile because God answers random silent prayers or passing thoughts in ways I can hardly imagine. Not only has this happened this time but on other occasions as well.

Each time I have questioned or thought about my friend in Gorey after not hearing from her in a while, I have been surprised with a text message later that day. So, each time we text back and forth and then I thank God for all of His many blessings. Remember to pray for those people who come to your mind and that you have not talked to in a never know what God may be doing in their lives! :)

Praise God!

Monday, January 24, 2011

God did this for us...


It is funny to think that a month as almost passed since the start of a new year, where does the time fly? I keep thinking that I have loads of time left here in Ireland and that the expiration of my visa is still in the distant future...wrong it expires in 7 months and I have been in Ireland for nearly 6 months...HALF WAY MARK! Not too happy about this because I am enjoying my time in Ireland and yet still missing my family/friends in the States.

So where does that leave my emotional and mental state? Completely wrecked...I am so torn right now as to what the future might hold and where I might be in the next couple of months that I have my head all confuzzeled...actually to be perfectly honest, I was convicted tonight by my own Bible Study message...

I was speaking about Noise and the clutter that fills our lives so very much, so much so that we crowd out God with our busyness. My world is so loud I can't hear God...look up 1 Kings 19:5-15 and tell me what you think it means...