Sunday, February 26, 2012

clumps of love...

so, i realized that my life is less than interesting enough to post every single day with a photo. alas i will post clumps of photos here and there...probably of each week and other random highlights.

Daniel would have totally eaten this!
Let LENT begin...again! God would you have your way during this time!

Sneaky Z wanted the feather, so he played dead and then when we least expected it he grabbed it and ran only to be foiled by the desk! Hahaha...our evil plan worked! :) 

So, a couple of us friends/co-workers, may or may not have gone to a local piercing place and had a wee bonding moment! Yup, another new addition! Thank you ladies for being so adventurous, this was awesome!

Nothing like a night studying along with some ethos, trees, and fruit! :) Loving the Starbuck's tonight! 
Not so much loving the work! 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

it begins somewhere...

Can't wait for this movie on March 2nd! 

A little FAT TUESDAY celebration with friends...twas great fun! Loved all the fellowship and food, plus the laughs! These are the babies found in the King's Cakes from this year! :) 

Sorry for it being sideways but a little Irish Prayer for the start of Lent! 

Saturday, February 18, 2012

here we go again...

so I am really going to try and get better at this game....yes, the game called "I Post a Picture Every Day!"

And here we GO....

face mask night with roommate! :) 

little kids artwork at a Starbucks in Independence, MO 
absolutely love the creative aspects of children, may I never lose this!

This is where is begins again, a place of creativity, and relaxation! God is good! Now the future is BED! 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Been a long time...

Life got hectic and then time seemed to evaporate, so now a month later I am uploading only a few photos with more to come! Enjoy...more life events shall be described in the next post.

Insomnia, thank you for accompanying me on my DART journey into Dublin! 

Lukey Pukey! :) 

Guess what this is? 

This is what happens after the previous picture! :) 

Most favored treat! 

Love the sun on a chilly day!