Sunday, April 22, 2012


these are the days that i don't feel like i get it at all. not sure what i'm doing here. are you sure you have a plan? cause i feel more like i'm just sinking. are you sure i'm gonna swim?

Saturday, April 7, 2012

been too long...

far too long since I last posted. things shall be changing. 

look for the signs from heaven. 

drive home to st. louis...may have been taken from my car :) HELLO SUNRISE! 

we will pay you to take it! :) the sight of this! Easter is HERE! And HE HAS RISEN! 

Sunday, March 11, 2012

I hate school...

simple enough.

SO NOT CUT OUT FOR THIS STUFF! Feeling really dumb and inadequate right now!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

cross death...

today i have been pouring myself into this silly paper for 1 Corinthians, the only reason it is silly is because i feel so dumb doing it. i'm exhausted and there is still so MUCH to get done. it feels like no matter how hard i try this still is turning out ALL wrong. gonna keep going cause i can't quit now...i've been called and i do believe full heartedly that God is faithful and will keep HIS promises...

Oh, and several hours at a Starbucks will leave your clothes and computer and anything else you brought in with you smelling like a freshly brewed cup of joe. :)

Friday, March 9, 2012

creative spaces...

tonight i finally put it up...the blank canvas that will one day contain all of the busyness that is floating around in my brain...i long to create and to simply be. so here goes nothing but i love the opportunities that something blank can turn into. only time will tell what the creation will be...everything or nothing...

"I must create a system or be enslaved by another man's. I will not reason and compare; my business is to create."
-William Blake-

a wall all for ME :) 

next project: imagine a yellow with branches on one side and a bird on the other :) 

Thursday, March 8, 2012


"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not." 
-Dr. Seuss-

When my own words fail I believe Dr. Seuss can speak for me! Got the opportunity to watch the Lorax with the children I babysit and I cannot tell you how much I LOVE that film! It is amazing the message behind the film and what it can me for each of us personally. I simply love trees and I believe my life should be lived to make a difference, so I will care a whole awful lot.

a simple beauty.

see the cross? 


It can be dangerous but I simply love looking at nature while driving! 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

a beautiful day filled with joy

Today was awesome.

Clean room...almost check!
Laundry...yeah, it is clean!
Grocery shopping...check!
Sighting of super hot Brookside Fire Fighters...CHECK! :)
Sweet potato breakfast...check!
More room cleaning...check!
Walk with friends....check!
Yummy, peanut butter banana soy smoothie for dinner...check!
Conversation with Ree and Joey...CHECK, CHECK, CHECK!
Being reminded of the power and presence of God through the gifts and blessings of others...PRICELESS!


little power man on Pilar!

Praying for my friends as they begin to journey towards the life God has intended for them! They are truly a blessing in my life! I love them both dearly!

Monday, March 5, 2012

not yet clear...

life right now seems to not be fully is as though i can see a vague outline of what is next but not exactly what shape it will take. as i was walking to a friends how tonight i took this photo and it seemed fitting for what i am currently experiencing in my own personal life.

you can kinda tell what shape it is but maybe not fully what it will become

Saturday, March 3, 2012


God has been truly amazing and has blessed me in ways that I can hardly imagine. Recently I have only been able to fall to my knees and pray a prayer of thanksgiving and praise for how amazing our God is. Truly I am in awe at his power and works. When I begin to doubt or fear God has a funny way of reminding me that he has everything under control. For a gracious and faithful GOD there are no human words that can truly say thank you or show my love for him. All I can say is that daily I desire to show my devotion to him. 

Tonight I took this photo and it reminded me of a cross. The cross seen in and through the light! :) 

Thursday, March 1, 2012


made these tonight and they were should try the recipe

(this picture is not mine but you should check out the is amazing!) 

Sunday, February 26, 2012

clumps of love...

so, i realized that my life is less than interesting enough to post every single day with a photo. alas i will post clumps of photos here and there...probably of each week and other random highlights.

Daniel would have totally eaten this!
Let LENT begin...again! God would you have your way during this time!

Sneaky Z wanted the feather, so he played dead and then when we least expected it he grabbed it and ran only to be foiled by the desk! Hahaha...our evil plan worked! :) 

So, a couple of us friends/co-workers, may or may not have gone to a local piercing place and had a wee bonding moment! Yup, another new addition! Thank you ladies for being so adventurous, this was awesome!

Nothing like a night studying along with some ethos, trees, and fruit! :) Loving the Starbuck's tonight! 
Not so much loving the work! 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

it begins somewhere...

Can't wait for this movie on March 2nd! 

A little FAT TUESDAY celebration with friends...twas great fun! Loved all the fellowship and food, plus the laughs! These are the babies found in the King's Cakes from this year! :) 

Sorry for it being sideways but a little Irish Prayer for the start of Lent! 

Saturday, February 18, 2012

here we go again...

so I am really going to try and get better at this game....yes, the game called "I Post a Picture Every Day!"

And here we GO....

face mask night with roommate! :) 

little kids artwork at a Starbucks in Independence, MO 
absolutely love the creative aspects of children, may I never lose this!

This is where is begins again, a place of creativity, and relaxation! God is good! Now the future is BED! 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Been a long time...

Life got hectic and then time seemed to evaporate, so now a month later I am uploading only a few photos with more to come! Enjoy...more life events shall be described in the next post.

Insomnia, thank you for accompanying me on my DART journey into Dublin! 

Lukey Pukey! :) 

Guess what this is? 

This is what happens after the previous picture! :) 

Most favored treat! 

Love the sun on a chilly day! 

Monday, January 16, 2012

been a few update

Ireland has been amazing but has limited my time with a computer! Doesn't bother me though and tonight I final got the chance to upload a few photos for my photo a day in a year blog...thanks to Jamie and Rhoda Tutty! :) Here are a few photos from the past week...

Thank you Mr. Gardi, this is my entry into Ireland!

Merry and Pippin would be proud!

Powerscourt with my lovely friend, Esther! A cup of coffee and pavalova! :)

Not to be confused with Johnny Rocket's in the states! :) Wonderful evening with 12 amazing people! Memories that will last a life-time!

More photos to come but for now an enjoyable time with family and friends! It is good to be home!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

day 8...a drive.

Traveling to my parents house today has given me plenty of time to think and ponder my life. I am someone who dislikes strongly inward focused processing or evaluation or ponderings or reflection. My focus needs to be anywhere but at me...I would rather be helping people and giving to people than giving or helping myself more often than not. And at times this leaves me lonely and wanting more...I do not know what I even enjoy doing at times cause I have not taken the time to reflect inwardly. Today gave me a few of those moments and I was able to capture some of them with my camera on my phone. Don't tell anyone but I was taking pictures while driving, I know dangerous but I love living adventures.
 On hwy 70 driving from KC to STL traffic was full and I kept looking at my rear view mirror and watching what was coming up or watching what I had missed. I kept looking back. The thought occurred to me how often I look back and wonder "what if", what if...I had... tried harder, exercised more to lose weight, given everything, shared my feelings, stopped for a moment to smell the flowers, pick another path, jumped when I just stood there, said what i really meant, been someone else, somewhere else...this list and others like it can go on forever and leave me feeling lonely and depressed. My focus is all distorted and I keep looking at past events to dictate future ones or to not even try in the future for "already knowing what will happen in the future". 

Picture #1--regarding the past

Picture #2--not there yet

The past should not be relived over and over but looking from side to side is not much better. We are not looking ahead to what is next but rather we look to others to fulfill our needs and desires, and only get a small glimpse of what is ahead. Although in this photo you can slightly see the road a head of me but the majority is of the road behind. Funny how when you are looking to the sides you are seeing mostly the past and not the future. Sideways glancing will be limiting as well. 

picture #3--intimidating triumph

Even when our eyes are focused front the road may seem difficult and unmanageable...the clouds a head look intimidating, there are cars who may or may not be as quick as I am, there are certain unknowns that I have to encounter and chose to live in the "what ifs" or look at those situations and think, "I made a decision and I chose to live by it, and yes it could have gone differently but I will never know the outcome, so why dwell on the "what ifs" and start living the adventure in the here and the now."

The future is laden with opportunities disguised as the ups and downs of life, it is how we chose to accept this adventure that will determine our outlook. 

What picture would you like to see? 

Saturday, January 7, 2012


God is truly amazing. While driving to get dinner for the kids I nanny, I saw this amazing sunset. Words can truly NOT express the sheer beauty and splendor of the painting God showed his people tonight. This photo is a mere attempt at capturing an unattainable wonder...

a photo to remind me of the promises of God, which are so lavishly given

I have to give praise to God tonight, TODAY HAS BEEN AMAZING! A much needed day of blessings and great friends which cheer my heart. Two random blessings that I was NOT expecting and a one of them made me cry tears of awe and joy! God is good! Truly God is good!


new hair. love it. not my normal style but new. and fun. and great artist convo with hair stylist. overall...thank you Beauty Brands.