Monday, January 16, 2012

been a few update

Ireland has been amazing but has limited my time with a computer! Doesn't bother me though and tonight I final got the chance to upload a few photos for my photo a day in a year blog...thanks to Jamie and Rhoda Tutty! :) Here are a few photos from the past week...

Thank you Mr. Gardi, this is my entry into Ireland!

Merry and Pippin would be proud!

Powerscourt with my lovely friend, Esther! A cup of coffee and pavalova! :)

Not to be confused with Johnny Rocket's in the states! :) Wonderful evening with 12 amazing people! Memories that will last a life-time!

More photos to come but for now an enjoyable time with family and friends! It is good to be home!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

day 8...a drive.

Traveling to my parents house today has given me plenty of time to think and ponder my life. I am someone who dislikes strongly inward focused processing or evaluation or ponderings or reflection. My focus needs to be anywhere but at me...I would rather be helping people and giving to people than giving or helping myself more often than not. And at times this leaves me lonely and wanting more...I do not know what I even enjoy doing at times cause I have not taken the time to reflect inwardly. Today gave me a few of those moments and I was able to capture some of them with my camera on my phone. Don't tell anyone but I was taking pictures while driving, I know dangerous but I love living adventures.
 On hwy 70 driving from KC to STL traffic was full and I kept looking at my rear view mirror and watching what was coming up or watching what I had missed. I kept looking back. The thought occurred to me how often I look back and wonder "what if", what if...I had... tried harder, exercised more to lose weight, given everything, shared my feelings, stopped for a moment to smell the flowers, pick another path, jumped when I just stood there, said what i really meant, been someone else, somewhere else...this list and others like it can go on forever and leave me feeling lonely and depressed. My focus is all distorted and I keep looking at past events to dictate future ones or to not even try in the future for "already knowing what will happen in the future". 

Picture #1--regarding the past

Picture #2--not there yet

The past should not be relived over and over but looking from side to side is not much better. We are not looking ahead to what is next but rather we look to others to fulfill our needs and desires, and only get a small glimpse of what is ahead. Although in this photo you can slightly see the road a head of me but the majority is of the road behind. Funny how when you are looking to the sides you are seeing mostly the past and not the future. Sideways glancing will be limiting as well. 

picture #3--intimidating triumph

Even when our eyes are focused front the road may seem difficult and unmanageable...the clouds a head look intimidating, there are cars who may or may not be as quick as I am, there are certain unknowns that I have to encounter and chose to live in the "what ifs" or look at those situations and think, "I made a decision and I chose to live by it, and yes it could have gone differently but I will never know the outcome, so why dwell on the "what ifs" and start living the adventure in the here and the now."

The future is laden with opportunities disguised as the ups and downs of life, it is how we chose to accept this adventure that will determine our outlook. 

What picture would you like to see? 

Saturday, January 7, 2012


God is truly amazing. While driving to get dinner for the kids I nanny, I saw this amazing sunset. Words can truly NOT express the sheer beauty and splendor of the painting God showed his people tonight. This photo is a mere attempt at capturing an unattainable wonder...

a photo to remind me of the promises of God, which are so lavishly given

I have to give praise to God tonight, TODAY HAS BEEN AMAZING! A much needed day of blessings and great friends which cheer my heart. Two random blessings that I was NOT expecting and a one of them made me cry tears of awe and joy! God is good! Truly God is good!


new hair. love it. not my normal style but new. and fun. and great artist convo with hair stylist. overall...thank you Beauty Brands. 

Friday, January 6, 2012

day SIX

not such a great photo but you get the idea. this kinda feels like my day....but GOD is going to be praised no matter the difficulty in my life, HE is my rock! 

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

additional day FOUR

One of the wonderful girls in the Youth Group gave me this! Truly I feel blessed by being at College Church of the Nazarene in Olathe. Thank you God for providing the many reasons why I had to go to church tonight, even though I didn't want to go at first! You always know best...

Absolutely PERFECT for me!


Today has been a full day and I am running on a little empty! Recharge with a White Chocolate Soy Mocha no whip and OJ! Yes, please! :)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 3

At work today, I got the opportunity to steam a few you might be thinking, wow, that is sure stimulating and such taxing work? Or you went to school for how long to be able to steam curtains? It was actually a really eye opening experience for me. Steaming curtains would not be on my highlights for work experience and I was slightly frustrated because I know I am qualified to do more. As these and other similar thoughts are floating around in my brain, I thought, "Hannah, you can't always have the glamour or the fame, sometimes you need to do mundane. It is not always about accomplishments but rather getting the job done. Life doesn't have to be lived in highlights sometimes it is the tasks in front of us that create opportunities for more. There are no small things." It was as though God was speaking to me through a little (BIG) steaming project. In ministry I am not always going to be on highs or getting recognition for the things I have done, rather the church will still need to be cleaned, trash taken out, light bulbs changed, copies made, house calls, sermon writing...this list could go on and task is too small. No job too mundane when you are doing it for the Lord. It is a simple lesson I easily forget!

Thank you Little Man for teaching me a very valuable lesson! 

Monday, January 2, 2012

Day 2

Edits from a maternity photoshoot I shot. 

Sunday, January 1, 2012

a year of PHOTOS...

anyone who knows me understands my love of photography...the joy of capturing a moment, the excitement of discovering something different, the looks, the passion, the craft, the much can be captured in a photo. as the year kicks off for 2012, i am going to try to accomplish a year of photos, of memories, of moments, and create my own timeline. :)

today is the beginning of a creative journey AND today was a very creative day!

birds :) 

glue detail with paint (not done yet)

mod podge, newspaper, and paints 

Collection of projects

dry-erase board for remembering things

so, a few more than just one photo but my creative process for the day...

Happy New Year, may you always remember the love of GOD! Praying for a year that is better than the last centered on the will of GOD!